Vigyan Valley Learning Centre welcomes students with learning disabilities. We are committed to respond appropriately and effectively to their learning needs. The Centre is dedicated to taking all practical steps to ensure that students with learning disabilities can pursue their studies at Secondary (IX & X) and Senior Secondary (XI & XII) level without any disadvantage. Our students are encouraged to make full use of various academic and support services on offer.

At our Centre, we take pride in understanding the learning and behaviour needs of your child. We understand that ordinary schools often do not understand and meet the diverse needs of your child. And we certainly appreciate the need to restructure and reorganize what and how we teach so that your child learns efficiently and effectively with us!

And, what’s more, we understand that when your child has a need to leave his or her present school, they should come to a place for learning that offers more than the school your child has left behind – a learning centre that provides:

  • an opportunity to learn the foundationsecondary and senior secondary curriculum of the National Institute of Open Schooling
  • an array of exciting curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities
  • a student-friendly classroom environment that supports their learning and behaviour needs
  • teaching practices that meet the best practices and standards in special education, especially in teaching students with learning disabilities
  • a team of proactive and multipurpose educators with dual certification or training in general and special education
